Saturday, March 21, 2009

Me, Myself, and I

-Self Pronouns

The -self pronouns are called reflexive pronouns; they "reflect" back to the subject of the sentence or clause.

hurt myself.
He did it himself.
When you do it yourself, you have a greater sense of accomplishment.

You must turn your forms into Jim or myself. No match.

Me = Objective Pronoun

The objective pronouns have two functions: They are either the object of a verb, or they are the object of a preposition.

You must turn your forms into Jim or me. Preposition "into" requires "me."
John caught me before I fell. Verb "caught" requires "me."

Sarah was talking about Peter and I. Preposition "about" requires "me."
Jan gave Saul and I the task. Verb "gave" requires "me."

I = Subjective Pronoun
Subjective pronouns are always the subject of the clause or sentence.

When the meeting opens, Samuel and I will present the agenda.
Jillian and I went to lunch with Mei.

When Joshua and me arrive, we'll set up the meeting room. Verb "arrive" requires "I."

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